
Mentawai people are tattooing their bodies since coming to the west coast of Sumatra. Proto Malay nation came from mainland Asia (Indochina), the Metal Age, 1500 BC-500 BC. That means, tattoos mentawailah the oldest in the world. Not a tattoo Egypt, as it was mentioned many tattoos buku.Sebutan purportedly taken from the Tahitian word Tatau. The word was first recorded by Western civilization in the expeditions of James Cook in 1769.

In Indonesia, according to Ady, Mentawai tattoo tradition is more democratic than the tattooed Dayak in Kalimantan. In the Dayak culture, tattoos show a person's wealth status.'' The tattooed, the rich,'' he said. After all, newborn Baruamas Balumus, 67, leader of the indigenous Dayak tribes Parks, said, in the Dayak tattoo there are other aspects besides the symbol of the social strata.

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